The St. Bernard Economic Development Foundation is the official economic development organization of St. Bernard Parish.  Our mission is to retain and create jobs, build prosperity, and improve the quality of life for St. Bernard citizens. 

The St. Bernard Economic Development Foundation has been recognized by IRS as a 501 (C)(3) Non-Profit Organization. The Board of Directors consists of 28 voting members and 8 non-voting honorary members and public officials, all of which serve as volunteers to the organization. All members of the Board adhere to the By-laws Conflict of Interest Policy of the organization which requires all members to refrain from entering into transactions or arrangements that might benefit the private interest of a Director of the organization or might result in a possible benefit transaction to any Director of the Board.

The St. Bernard Economic Development Foundation has engaged in a number of positive activities since its organization incorporation in December of 2005. These activities include marketing the parish to businesses, providing grants, loans, information and expertise on a number of State and Federal Programs.

All of the activities described above are funded by contributions from business and industry and grants obtained by the organization. The organization does not operate under any other alternate names.